Tommy Bolin 2024 Calendar

The 2024 Tommy Bolin Calendar is powerful for various reasons... The obvious being, that it was the last calendar in which Johnnie Bolin was personally involved with. Over the years, the Tommy Bolin Calendar has become almost a ‘collector's item’ and this is particularly poignant as Johnnie unfortunately left us in 2024. Whatever the reasons for the title, “THE LAST RIDE”  represents the end of an era.

We thank Janice Hill for sharing the designs for the website. Janice was heavily involved in the design and production of this particular calendar, working closely with Johnnie who came up with original ideas/concepts. Together they worked tirelessly to produce a very personal, in-depth visual and written testament to the life of Tommy Bolin. It is a true labour of love:)

Particularly powerful is “A Few Words From Johnnie”. He wanted to ‘set the record straight’ on a few things – in his own personal way! Johnnie, this Calendars is both a testament to yourself as it is to your brother and we thank you (and Janice) for the amazing effort and thought that went into this calendar.

We respectfully ask that these images are not used elsewhere. The images shown here include our website watermark in the hope that they remain here...

The Tommy Bolin Memorial Fund was originally established by Johnnie Bolin in memory of his brother, in association with the Siouxland Community Foundation. The Ultimate mission is simple... To preserve the music, the memory and the legacy of Tommy Bolin.